
Voice and Speechtraining

Learn to speak bet­ter in public.
A trai­ned voice will help you func­tion bet­ter in all the day to day aspects of spea­king.
Beco­me lou­der and more sono­rous, authen­tic and clear.
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Training the voice

Your voice does’nt have to remain fore­ver how it is now.
The voice can be trai­ned just like a sport.
Gain more pre­sence and more stami­na in your voice.
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Vocal Trainings for Companies

Pro­mo­ting Health in the Work­place through Vocal Trai­ning
You are loo­king for dif­fe­rent Team Event ide­as?
You are loo­king for accom­pany­ing mea­su­res to chan­ge and new struc­tu­ral ori­en­ta­ti­on?

I offer Vocal Trai­nings for Com­pa­nies regu­lar­ly, as an event or work­shop.
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